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This game is so pretty. I wasn't really sure what to do at first but after running out of time I was able to get an idea of what to look for. 

What a twist at the end!

How do you find all the items? I found 2/3 of them but I couldn't find the item that record time


I'll try to not spoil it in case other people look at comments but sometimes I had to click on an item multiple times for it to finally register into my inventory. Not sure if it was a bug or a timing thing. I would say you probably did click on the right item, but have to try again because of that issue.

Thank you!!


Hello, I've come to inquire about if I could help make music for this game? I don't need pay, if you want me to show you my level of skill, my discord is Ashael1232. I hope you take my request into account!


Or other games you plan on making!

Hi Ashael1232, nice to hear from you, My discord name is Kevin_Zou,

contact me and we can work together to make the next game!
